Fast Weight Loss

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How to Lose Weight Fast - A Simple Guide

Let's talk about weight loss for a moment. Actually, let's not. Everybody talks about it all the time and the whole topic is getting a little boring. You want to lose weight, I want to lose weight, we all want to lose weight. And still, with all this wanting we can't seem to get the job done.

So, where do we go wrong? We don't like to exercise and we don't like to be told what to eat. Basically, we're stubborn, comfortable, and we have no discipline. Ok, maybe we have discipline. It takes an awful lot of discipline to go against nature and keep ourselves fat. Shovelling substandard foods into our mouths on a daily basis takes a lot of discipline. What we need is something that's going to shock our bodies into burning massive amounts of calories whether we move around or not.

What we need to do is confuse our metabolisms so it has no idea when food is coming or how much, and it just keeps revving all day long. You've probably heard of the concept of muscle confusion on certain infomercials. By keeping your muscles off balance and challenging them in different ways and at different intervals, they have no choice but to grow.

Metabolism confusion works off the same principle using a concept called Calorie Shifting. Very basically, by changing up the amounts and the intervals of the calories you consume your metabolism won't know what hit it. No workouts, no complicated plans, just following a schedule and eating. Sounds good to me.

Weight loss really doesn't have to be the deflating experience it so often is. If you'd like to learn how to confuse your metabolism and lose 9 pounds in 11 days, go take a look here:

AP - One in five Medicare patients end up back in the hospital within a month of discharge, a large study found, and that practice costs billions of dollars a year. The findings suggest patients aren't told enough about how to take care of themselves and stay healthy before they go home, the researchers said. A few simple things - like making a doctor's appointment for departing patients - can help, they said.

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How to Lose the Weight

Are you sick and tired of the yo yo dieting. Do you ever imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and see the person you have been dreaming about. That sexy, beautiful person you once were and would love to become again. Did you just give birth to a beautiful baby and just want to lose the weight again. All that baby fat still hanging on. I know what you are talking about. I am going to talk to you about how you can with some help get rid of that unwanted fat once and for all and you know what, you will be able to keep it off too.

Firstly, make sure you eat breakfast each morning. Skipping breakfast is a no, no. This will cause you to snack throughout the morning, especially if you are snacking on the wrong type of foods. Stay away from the donuts and sugary foods. Try eating whole grain, whole wheat and cereal. Breakfast will also help to get your metabolism going which will help accelerate your weight loss.

Try some form of exercise. A simple thing like taking the stairs instead of the elevator can be extremely helpful. Walking can be fun too and will help you overall in losing weight. It can contribute to toning your body while you are losing the weight. You can park you car a block away and walk the rest of the way to work and after you leave work you will have to walk back to your car. This can be a great exercise.

Very important is the type of food you eat. Try to take lunch to work so you can pack a balanced meal. No fried, greasy, junk food. Don't run to the fast food store and buy a big mac because it is cheap and convenient. Try preparing your lunch from home and take with you. Some broiled fish or chicken, a little salad, either steamed or raw. A sandwich with whole wheat bread, turkey breast or chicken breast, some lettuce and salad. Green leafy vegetables are very good when you want to lose weight. Also fruits, try eating as much fruits as you can during the day. Instead of snacking on sweet pastries, eat some fruits instead.

If at all possible try keeping a diary of the foods you can eat, and when grocery shopping take with you a list of the food you will want to purchase to make it easier for you to prepare healthy meals during the week. This healthy eating habit can be incorporated into your life on a gradual basis and your entire family can benefit from it too.

I know, you are saying its easier said than done, especially with a young baby. But you know what, if you can do this, then there is nothing out there that you cannot achieve. It takes hard work, dedication and a lot of patience, but nothing in life is easy. If you want it badly enough you can achieve it. Whatever the mind can conceive you can achieve. Believe me you can do it. Believe in yourself. Go out there and lose that weight, get rid of that excess fat. Good luck on your weight loss.

Ingrid Palmer is an Administrative Assistant and an avid weight loss researcher. I have done a lot of research on weight loss and have come to realise that it comes down to just doing the right thing. No secret. I would like to help normal average people in their quest to lose weight. If you are really passionate about losing the weight, for whatever reason visit this site, you will get the help you truly deserve. go to:

AP - A top children's hospital wants to improve the survival rate of infants born with a birth defect that many families have never heard of until their child is diagnosed.


Weight Loss and Yoga

Yoga can be a fun and fulfilling part of an overall weight management strategy with the added benefits of stress reduction, control over cravings and impulses, even spiritual growth.

Or, as is too often the case, yoga can lead to pain and joint injury.

Yoga-related injuries have grown exponentially over the last few years. This is due in part to the rapid spread and "Americanization" of yoga -- it is now socially acceptable, even en vogue in many parts of the country to practice yoga, whereas just two decades ago yoga was seen as suspect, even cultish.

It could be argued, however, that yoga, intended to be a spiritual practice, should have no injuries whatsoever.

Two factors are to blame in the rise of yoga-related injuries:

  • Yoga instructors with inadequate training. Many gyms employ yoga teachers with no more than a long weekend of formal education in the instruction of yoga.
  • Students overeager to "achieve" poses their bodies aren't ready for. As a culture we are obsessed by being more successful, rich, and beautiful. Unfortunately this spills over into yoga when students try to force their bodies into the poses they see models "performing" on magazine covers.
The problem is compounded by weight. A person struggling with obesity or even just a few pounds over optimal weight has more stress on the joints already. Force the body into a pose it's not accustomed to -- or enter or exit the pose unsafely -- and you will soon have an injury on your hands.

One of the first precepts of yoga is the Sanskrit word ahimsa, which most often is translated as "non-violence." It's ironic that yoga is used sometimes as a tool of violence against the self, when someone strives to be someone else with a different body, rather than accept, love, and nurture themselves into health.

It doesn't have to be this way.

First, find a teacher with at least a 200-hour certification, minimum.

Next it's important to develop a yoga practice that's suitable for your body as it is today -- not how you'd like it to be. With that in mind, yoga can be a very powerful tool for weight management.

Use yoga to breathe more deeply and simply relax. Yogic breathing (pranayama) increases the delivery of oxygen to the cells, allowing the organs to function as they should. This will give you more energy.

Deep breathing also triggers the "relaxation response," reducing stress and the production of cortisol. Cortisol is one of the "fight or flight" hormones that your body produces when it gets stressed -- like when a tiger is chasing you, or its modern equivalent: traffic and work. Overproduction of cortisol can lead to damage in the cardiovascular system as well as -- get this -- weight gain.

Conscious relaxation, as opposed to unconscious relaxation like sitting in front of the tv, activates the parasympathetic nervous system and the creative side of the brain. This allows you to explore creative possibilities for your life, maybe showing you choices you didn't know you had and new ways to meet life's many challenges.

Secondly, explore yoga postures, also called asanas, slowly and easily while your body builds strength and flexibility. There's no need to force yourself into anything. Take your time.

The experience is what is most important, not what you look like in the mirror. When your body becomes stronger and more flexible, your mind and emotional well-being will become strong and flexible, too. A daily practice of yoga could very well open the door to self-acceptance. It's a spiritual awakening.

When you accept yourself as the beautiful expression of the divine (however you define it) that you already are, self-nurturing will automatically arise. Profound and lasting change -- including weight loss -- can occur much more easily when we accept who we are, not when we reject and commit violence against ourselves.

David Morgan is a certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher registered with the Yoga Alliance. He teaches gentle and moderate yoga for weight management in Knoxville and Farragut, TN.

AP - A top children's hospital wants to improve the survival rate of infants born with a birth defect that many families have never heard of until their child is diagnosed.

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Weight Loss Advice and Tips For Overweight Women

Here's some good weight loss advice and tips for overweight women who are STRUGGLING to lose weight. I'm going to share with you a 2-STEP APPROACH to losing weight that'll finally get you the results you desire. If you're stomach is just way too big and you want to shrink it down somewhat, then this short 2 minute article will help you out there. If you're butt and thighs aren't what you want them to be, there's help. Read this now.

Weight Loss Advice and Tips

1. Do bodyweight squats really fast twice a day for 3 minutes each time

Ok, here's what I want you to do. In your living room or wherever, squat up and down as fast as you can for 3 minutes. You can do this non-stop (really hard) or do it in sets of 25 repetitions with a short 30 second break between each set. Do this once early in the day and once later in the day for at least 5 days a week.

So the total time I'm asking from you is only 30 minutes in a week. That's NOTHING! And for that, you will burn off tons of fat from your stomach, butt, and legs.

2. Become a black beans queen

Learn to love this food. It's a SUPERFOOD. It's cheap, quick to cook (5 minutes), and can go with all kinds of meals, salads, and soups. High in protein and fiber, it's virtually perfect. It doesn't even contain sugar. Find some way to eat 1 can of these a day. I personally eat 1/2 can at breakfast and another 1/2 can with my lunch.

The weight loss advice and tips for overweight women that I just mentioned is PROVEN and EFFECTIVE. Give it a try.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

A rescued moon bear peers out of a cage at the Animals Asia Moon Bear Rescue Centre on the outskirts of Chengdu, in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. Thirteen moon bears were handed over to the animal charity group after years of abuse living at bile-harvesting farms in the province showing signs of malnourishment and disease and with one bear being euthanised shortly after arriving.(AFP/File/Peter Parks)AP - Federal prosecutors in California have charged a South Korean national with illegally importing almost a kilogram of bear bile to sell as an aphrodisiac.

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Tummy Fat Loss

To lose tummy fat is often one of the hardest fitness related things a person can be required to do. The stomach is a known trouble spot for many people. It's simply a place in which fat tends to accumulate. However, this doesn't mean that it can't be done or that you need to give up. On the contrary, unless you're determined to do what is necessary to get the stomach you dream of, this isn't going to work.

Many people believe that you can get rid of tummy fat by doing some sit-ups and crunches. This is far from the case. The truth is that your belly flab is a sign that you've not been taking care of yourself in the optimal way. This isn't something you need to blame yourself for but you can use it to get motivation to look into the future and change your ways.

What I mean by that is that tummy fat loss is the result of a lifestyle transformation, and not something which can be done simply by doing a few dozen sit-ups each day. Burning fat from your abs will only happen when you start to workout right and follow a healthy nutrition routine.

Working out right means that you now need to exercise intensively 3 times a week. This includes cardio workouts and strength workouts (even if you're a woman). It also means that you need to look at what you're putting into your body and make a commitment to feed yourself right.

A healthy nutrition isn't just to lose fat. It's more important than that. It's for your long term well being, physical and emotional. Clean your kitchen from processed food, pre-made dishes, industrialized items, and choose fresh items like fruits, veggies, fish and meat that have not been pre-cooked, and seeds. You can also save a considerable amount of money by doing this. You'd be amazed at how fatter your bank account will be even as you shed tummy fat.

Make an exercise and nutrition routine and you will see results. Begin the process today.

I've included 2 resources here which will help you on your way. Make sure to visit both pages. To read about an excellent nutrition book to lose weight and be healthy, visit this webpage:
Best Nutrition Book

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. He is the founder of a free information site on how to burn stomach fat. Visit the site and tone your abs at

Reuters - A simple balance test may help doctors predict a decline in memory and brain function in people with Alzheimer's disease, research shows.

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Gain Weight? Lose Pounds in Days For Those in a Hurry to Get Thin and Stay Thin!

Gain weight? Lose pounds in days if you're in a hurry to get thin and stay thin. I'm going to share with you a few TRICKS that I give my online clients when they're desperate to lose weight fast. These tricks are quick and easy... so you have no excuses not to at least give them a try to prove me wrong!

Gain Weight? Lose Pounds in Days

1. The best weight loss supplement isn't even a weight loss supplement - extra virgin coconut oil

The healthy fats in extra virgin coconut oil help some of my clients to lose 6-8 pounds in LESS THAN 2 weeks. That is incredible... especially since this product isn't even marketed as a weight loss product.

Heck, not only do you lose weight, you get better skin and hair from using it. Don't believe me? Well, I don't blame you. But it does work and if you're willing to put it to the test, it'll only cost you $13 for a jar of extra virgin coconut oil that'll last about 2 weeks.

All you do is take 1 tablespoon twice a day between meals on an empty stomach. Ok... still don't believe me? Fine... do a Google search on "extra virgin coconut oil" and read up before you try it.

2. Use a mini-trampoline for fast cardio weight loss

Jumping on a mini-trampoline is a simple, convenient way to lose weight at home. If you go to the gym and spend most of your time doing cardio there, save your money and buy a $25 mini-trampoline. This will save you time, money, and help you lose weight faster.

I have a simple technique for you to use that accelerates weight loss while conveniently saving you a lot of time. Jump on it during tv commercials. Those 2 minutes add up. In fact, the commercial times add up to about 20 minutes per hour of tv.

It's a simple exercise, you won't sweat, and you don't even need to set aside a time to workout... what more could you ask for in a weight loss exercise?

So did you gain weight? Lose those pounds in days by following these 2 simple tactics.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

AP - The government ordered 14 unapproved narcotic painkillers off the market Tuesday, prescription versions of potent morphine, hydromorphone and oxycodone. The Food and Drug Administration told nine manufacturers to quit distributing the drugs within 90 days - but insisted there are plenty of legal versions of the painkillers being sold for patients who need relief.

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Calorie Intake to Lose Weight - Why You Need Exercise As Well

When we talk about losing weight, it is hard not to talk about reducing calorie intake to lose weight.This brief article will try to outline basic strategies that will help you lose weight.

Let's start out by identifying what creates a pound of fat.3500 calories is equivalent to one pound of fat.This is the foundation in which you can base your whole plan upon.There are several options that you can use to adjust your calorie intake to lose weight.

Since we know 3500 calories equals one pound, if we can create a plan to reduce our caloric intake by 500 calories per day, we should be able to maintain our current weight.Now here is the question, how would you like to tackle this plan of reducing calories?My recommendation is to reduce caloric intake by 250 calories and work off the remaining 250 calories with an exercise program.It is not difficult at all either.A man who weighs 180 pounds and walks for 45 minutes can expect to burn over 250 calories.That is just by walking!Just think what you could accomplish by implementing an exercise program.

Now we have only discussed options for maintaining current weight.What if you want to lose weight?In order to do that you need to find out what is your basal metabolic rate or BMR.Once you calculate your BMR, you can create a specific program to reduce calorie intake to lose weight.

I cannot stress enough that if you are either looking to maintain your current weight or if you are looking to lose weight, implement an exercise program.Why?Well an exercise program will allow you to maintain a higher daily calorie level.Remember your body still needs its fuel.Also, exercising increases metabolism. Metabolism is a key to maintaining and losing weight.

There is a website that can provide you with more detailed information about how to reduce calorie intake to lose weight. It offers unbiased reviews of strategies that promote long term, healthy weight loss, not just current fad diets. If you are really serious about learning how to keep your weight off and live a healthier lifestyle visit:

AP - A top children's hospital wants to improve the survival rate of infants born with a birth defect that many families have never heard of until their child is diagnosed.

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