Fast Weight Loss

Saturday, April 4, 2009

100% Guaranteed Weight Loss Tips to Get That Perfect Figure

Are you worried about the appearance of your out of shape body? Don't worry, you are not alone! Little or no physical work and hogging upon unhealthy junk food are some of the lifestyle choices that are the leading causes of obesity. Though there are umpteen numbers of weight loss products and diets that are available nowadays but their effectiveness is still an unresolved mystery for all.

So, relying on the best scientifically proven weight loss tips is always better than these fad diets and products.

1. Get enough exercises - As we all know, exercising is necessary to stay fit and lose weight. It enhances resting metabolism of the body and burns calories. Getting enough exercises doesn't mean that you have to work out for an hour or two everyday. A regular exercise regimen of half an hour a day has been proven to work wonders for the body.

2. 8-hours sleep - People who take improper or insufficient sleep have a higher risk for obesity. Exhaustion makes you feel hungry, weaken your will power and cause you to binge on high calorie food. So, a minimum of 8 hours sleep everyday is a must to avoid such diversions.

3. Do not watch TV - This might sound unusual to many of you but a very few people are aware of the fact that watching TV reduces the amount of calories that your body can burn. In case you cannot resist the temptation to watch your favorite show, indulging yourself in some workout is the best way to ward off those extra pounds that you may not lose when you watch TV. You may try some easy exercises such as jogging at one place, sit-ups, squats and others.

4. Do not shop when hungry - It is quite common to eat out especially when you go shopping. While it isn't possible not to go on shopping, it is advisable to shop when you are not hungry. Have your meal just before you go shopping to avoid outside food.

5. Plan meals before time - You will usually eat right if you have planned out well in advance as to what you will eat when hungry. Plan out small and nutritious meals for a healthy diet.

6. Lose weight gradually - Though there are several quick weight loss tips that can help you lose weight in a jiffy. Your nervous system may have to suffer a lot if you lose weight quickly. This can also make you feel sick, drained and sluggish. When you lose a lot of weight and that too in a small span of time, it is actually muscles and water that you are losing, instead of fat. For a steady, healthy and gradual weight loss, you must aim to reduce 1-2 lbs every week.

So, do not wait anymore and start abiding to these easy to follow weight loss tips today! After all, obesity doesn't only harm your appearance but also makes you a stack of diseases.

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HealthDay - SATURDAY, April 4 (HealthDay News) -- Obese adults are at higher risk of gum disease than are normal-weight people, a new study finds.

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Losing Weight and Hypnosis - A Solid Combination

If there was ever a winning combination it's self hypnosis and weight loss. It's no secret the reason why people don't lose weight when they try to is because they can't maintain healthy behaviors. We'll do what we have to long enough, sometimes, to reach the goal but then what happens? The old behavior kicks back in and all that progress and achievement is over and gone. The way to prevent that is with self hypnosis and weight loss.

Can you imagine how many weight loss methods there are? There are pills, injections, surgeries, programs, books, podcasts, DVDs, trainers and spas and more. The list goes on and on. The most surprising thing is that people who have done a variety of things for weight loss seem to learn the same thing, they can't or it doesn't last. The problem is weight loss is a behavior and mind based problem. So one of the best weight loss methods would be one that works with the way you think and feel... hypnosis.

There is therapy available for just about anything, why not weight loss therapy? Actually, it is the better place to start when wanting to put an end to an unhealthy lifestyle, which causes the negative result of excess body fat, potential illness and lowered emotions. Sure, it tastes good at the time and we all want more but at what cost. Weight gain becomes an emotional issue and weight loss therapy may help.

In some countries or areas of a country hypnosis is still looked upon with caution and apprehension thanks to fiction in books and movies. Hypnosis is so distant from how it's depicted you'd be amazed. And because hypnosis and hypnotherapy is such a non evasive approach to personal change.

Here's a different questions for you, what's your ultimate weight? What is the number that will come up on the scale when you have decided that's it, no more, that is my ultimate weight? You probably don't have such a number in mind and that is why many people gain weight with no end in sight. We all seem to know what we would like to weigh but have no idea when enough is enough. People have reframed these two words also and think their ultimate weight is the least weight they should be.

Since the start of time as we know it food was abundant. All you had to do was pick it from a tree of plant, pull it out of the ground or animals ate animals from the ground, sky or water. This is what "food" is. And our body knows how to digest real food but all those edible create manufactured products for profit go into your body and all the weight loss information in the world won't help.

Hypnosis is a very powerful process when it comes to creating or guiding behavior change. It is anyone's best interest to be sure they seek out quality, qualified and experienced training. As a NGH Certified Instructor and NGH Certified Instructor Coach I have high standards when it comes to people being trained in hypnosis learning this skill and craft.

If you are interested in more information on losing weight and other Weight Loss Information please visit our web site.

HealthDay - SATURDAY, April 4 (HealthDay News) -- Obese adults are at higher risk of gum disease than are normal-weight people, a new study finds.

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Exercise and Weight Loss Success Begins Between Your Ears - With a Goal in Mind

In a few exercise and weight loss articles I've written lately, I've referred to the critical importance of FIRST deciding that you are a fit, trim person who exercises for life. Permanent success comes only when you consistently choose to be a "mover" and to make fitness and healthy nutritional choices part of your lifestyle.

Beliefs dictate our actions. BELIEVE you are healthy and fit, then follow through!

With the New Year approaching, I want to expand upon this subject of success beginning between your ears by discussing the power of setting goals and following your plan. I'm a firm believer in setting goals. Goals are based on setting an attainable, measurable outcome that you are emotionally attached to, within a reasonable time frame.

So, if you'd like to set a successful weight loss goal, for example, be sure you are specific. How much body fat do you want to lose? What percentage do you want to get down to? Or what body weight do you want to achieve? Set a time frame to meet that goal. Be realistic... don't set yourself up for failure. Set yourself up for success.

Chunk a big goal down into a series of smaller goals. Achieve your first goal - ahead of time is even better - then set a new goal to keep working toward your overall target, desired outcome. When you set these "mini" goals, and meet them, you get some serious motivation to keep going!

Don't forget to work toward a reward. When you set your goals, determine a reward at the same time. Keep the reward proportional to the goal. If your goal is to lose 5 lbs. when you've got more like 100 to shed, then the reward for the first 5 lbs. should reflect the significance of your overall goal. 5 lbs. is a stepping stone, in the case of this goal. Make the reward have stepping stone 'value' as well.

Some folks even recommend setting a 'penalty' or 'punishment' for not reaching a goal. This is based on the psychological model of pain/pleasure and what motivates us. If you're a person who does things in order to avoid unpleasant feelings and outcomes, then perhaps you should also set a penalty, in addition to a reward, for yourself. If you're simply motivated by positive, pleasurable feelings, then you'll be fine with just the reward!

I've set many goals using both. Over the years, I've realized that I do just fine with the "pleasure" component. Or, more accurately, the potential for "pain" isn't enough of a motivating factor for me to change my behavior. Penalties can be anything that you really want to avoid. In the past, some of mine have been: cleaning out the trash bin area for our entire shopping plaza; doing "dog poop patrol" for our entire street; inviting a particular relative, not our favorite one, over for a weekend stay, and so on. Thankfully, I rarely had to follow through with penalties because I got really good at working toward the reward!

Personally, what's even more important for me than actually setting the goal is determining the plan to achieve the goal... and then following your plan. Have a plan - work the plan.

Imagine setting a goal to lose weight/shed fat/drop some sizes, but having no plan about how to go about achieving that goal! You're doomed! Your plan could include, for example, how many times you will do resistance training each week, how may cardio workouts, creating a menu each week, foods you will choose or not choose, etc.

When I set goals, I actually enjoy the process of creating the plan the most. I know that THIS is what's going to lead me to my goals. I hold the plan in high esteem! So much so, that I'll actually set a reward for following through with the plan. THAT'S the part that takes ongoing effort and diligence.

You could have a goal to lose 10 lbs., for example, by February 28th. Let's say you work out diligently every week, and you make fantastic healthy choices with your nutrition. BUT, at the end of February, you've lost 9 lbs. Does that mean you failed? Not in MY book! (This is the reason I'm not a huge fan of "weight loss" goals, per say.) You may have "re-shaped" your body during those 2 months. You could have dropped a size, shed several percentage points of body fat, built healthy, sleek, lean muscle... yet according to your goal, you "failed".

I don't like it! You don't need that kind of self abuse!

Yet, your best friend, who also had a goal to lose 10 lbs., may have sat on the couch, starving herself and taking diet pills. At the end of the 2 months, she may have lost the 10 lbs. So is she a success? Again, not in my book! That's not health. That's not a lifestyle change. That's a lady who's going to see those 10 lbs. again!

Consider setting a goal that is more "Process-based" vs. "Outcome-based". In the case of exercise or weight loss, the goals could look more like:

- 30 -45 minutes of full body resistance training 3 times each week
- 20-30 minutes of cardio 2 - 3 times each week
-stretching daily
- eat veggies with lunch and dinner
-protein within first 30-60 minutes of the day
-pack a snack for mid morning and mid afternoon that includes protein (e.g. nuts, hard boiled egg) and fresh veggies or fruit
- have a salad with dinner at least 5 nights per week

... and so on. If you're not used to living like this, and then you start following a plan like this, you DESERVE a reward!!! You ARE a success! Who cares if you fell short of some arbitrary weight on the scales! The healthy habits you've created are much more significant than scales. Besides, when you do right enough long enough, the end results become more and more predictable. Your body weight will respond appropriately over time. Don't worry. Just keep doing right things and it'll happen for you.

The other important component of goal setting that I think many people overlook is regularly checking back in with your goals (and plan). If you write out your goals (or resolutions) on New Year's Day, but neglect to re-visit your goals, you've sabotaged your efforts. Your subconscious mind will not help you move forward with your new plan if you don't consistently remind your brain of what the goal, plans and desired outcomes are.

That's where the saying, "it takes 21 days to create a new habit" comes from. We need repetition in order to create subconscious success. The best thing you could possibly do to become a successful exerciser and healthy eater is to exercise regularly and make healthy food choices - with a positive, happy, enthusiastic outlook - for 3 or 4 weeks. Your subconscious now begins to simply assume, "Oh, so this is what we do. This is who I am!"

Better yet, don't stop at 4 weeks. The more healthy fitness and nutrition choices you make, and the longer you make them, the easier this gets. It quite literally becomes second nature.

Remember how I said that I find a way to fit exercise in... no matter what? In fact, I simply cannot imagine NOT exercising. It is deeply ingrained in my subconscious as an important component of who I am.

I don't want that to come across as "arrogance" or anything like that. Those of you who know me personally understand that I really want to help those who haven't yet been able to consistently make health, exercise and nutrition part of your lifestyle. It doesn't have to be so hard.

If a healthy lifestyle hasn't become "who you are" yet, it's probably because you've been swimming upstream, so to speak. Without the right strategy, consistently choosing health IS difficult. The right strategy to support your efforts is to start with your brain.

Change your beliefs about what type of life you want. Become emotionally attached to this entire process. ENJOY this process. Set goals that you're excited to achieve. Create a plan that will ensure that you achieve your goal. Review your goals and plans DAILY. Take action NOW and keep taking action every single day. Just ONE healthy choice is better than none. (2 is better than 1... 3 is better than... you get my point!)

Before you even realize it, you're a completely new person! You're a person who makes healthy choices and takes healthy action steps with ease. Without a second (conscious) thought. NOW, it's second nature!

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A rescued moon bear peers out of a cage at the Animals Asia Moon Bear Rescue Centre on the outskirts of Chengdu, in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. Thirteen moon bears were handed over to the animal charity group after years of abuse living at bile-harvesting farms in the province showing signs of malnourishment and disease and with one bear being euthanised shortly after arriving.(AFP/File/Peter Parks)AP - Federal prosecutors in California have charged a South Korean national with illegally importing almost a kilogram of bear bile to sell as an aphrodisiac.

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Weight Loss - 3 Proven Ways to Slim Down

Weight loss is a common phenomenon among the young and middle-aged women. This can be caused by increasing living standard of people which inturn leads to intake of foods that are high in fat and sugar content which will invariably increase the shape and figure of the individual. Nowadays, women love to have a good looking figure eight. Every one wants to trim down their sizes so they go looking for fast weight loss drugs, other people choose to diet or take exercises. In this article, we will be looking at these three ways:

1. Exercise: Taking regular exercise is effective in burning calories and improving health. Such exercises include biking, swimming and walking which is an excellent form of physical activity that almost everyone can do. You can walk short distances instead of driving and climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

2. Diet: Choice of food and the time at which the meals are taking during the day plays a very serious role in weight loss. A variety of foods, sensibly cooked is needed. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates carefully organized and rotated will help you to burn calories so that your intake does not exceed your output.

3. Natural extracts: There are certain cactus-like plant (Hoodia) that grows primarily in the semi-deserts of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Angola. The liquid extracts (Hoodithin) can also be use for weight loss. This is essential for people who do not want to go through the rigours of monitoring their diet and exercising.

For more information on weight loss issues, you can click on this link:

HealthDay - SATURDAY, April 4 (HealthDay News) -- Obese adults are at higher risk of gum disease than are normal-weight people, a new study finds.

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10 Pounds To Lose Weight Loss Advice

You may have 10 pounds to lose and youre just starting your fat loss program, or it may be the last 10 pounds to lose from months or years of constant work. The last 10 pounds are the easiest ones to lose and let me tell you how.

1. The Power of the Mind

One critical thing when trying for the last 10 pounds to lose is the power of the mind. First of all, dont try to lose the last 10 pounds, but rather do it. Know that it is going to happen and expect it to happen. Simple enough to say, but it is true. When we get to the last 10 pounds to lose, we begin to coast and ease up on our training and commitment, but Im telling you to do exactly the opposite. This is the time to push forward and pick up speed, and be every more diligent in your choices. You must know in your mind that the last 10 pounds to lose is the easiest part of the journey. Use the power of your mind to visualize success and yourself not only standing at the finish line having successfully achieved your goal, but even more so than that.. Visualize yourself picking up speed and running through the finish line. Your motto should be there is nothing more powerful than a warrior running through the finish line. Be a fat burning warrior.

2. Increase your metabolism

The last 10 pounds to lose is as easy as increasing your metabolism through exercise and a change in eating habits.


If youre not already eating 5 or 6 meals a day, then now is the time to change your eating strategy and the last 10 pounds to lose will literally fall off your body. Become a fat burning machine through diet by rethinking how you look at food, snacks and meals. Every time you eat, your body kicks into gear and works hard at digesting or burning up that meal to turn it into nutrients that your body can use for energy and healing while the rest is burnt off as heat (in a process called thermogenics).


If you have been on some sort of last 10 pounds to lose program, its likely included exercise. You are probably doing cardio like crazy. Well, you should be. If you have not been doing cardio, now is the time to start. If you have been, then nows the time to kick it up a notch. The last 10 pounds to lose is as easy as increasing your output. Doubling your cardio to 6 times per week, or if youve already been doing that, then do a second cardio session in the evening for a twice a day cardio workout. Wow, that will really kick things into gear. One caveat: if you increase your output of exercise, you may also need to increase your calorie consumption a bit to match your bodies new need for food.

3. clean up your diet

If everything is going well, you can take some time to finally clean up your diet. This means that the last 10 pounds to lose may require re-thinking your diet. Are you eating any condiments? Are you eating dairy products? Have you been eating low fat foods thinking theyre healthy and designed to help you lose the last 10 pounds?

Here are some simple rules to help you clean up your diet:

How many names are listed on the ingredients? The lower the number of items listed, the better it is for you.

Can you remove condiments from your diet for a short period of time? Eliminate ketchup (which I call tomato flavoured sugar), eliminate mayonnaise, get rid of salad dressings. Eliminate soy sauce from your rice.

What are you drinking? At this point, your goal of 10 pounds to lose would include a very substantial change in fluids. An increase in water consumption and a removal of all other fluids such as juices or other non-nutritional beverages will assist with the last 10 pounds to lose.

4. Wake up earlier means more time to burn calories

The longer you are awake, the longer your body is burning calories and the more time you have to ingest and burn the 5 or 6 meals required. Eating every 3 hours for 5 meals requires starting at 6 am and eating last meal at 6 PM for example. For men, eating another meal at 9 pm.

The longer you are awake allows more time for exercise. Doing cardio first thing in the morning before your first meal helps burn fat rather than any blood sugars. Make sure you exercise before you eat. Then staying up later allows for an evening weight training workout, or a second cardio session.

The last 10 pounds to lose might be as simple as spending more time awake.

If you are really trying to lose the last 10 pounds, remember that it should always be considered easy. If you tell yourself its easy and your mind knows that you think its easy that it becomes easy. You are what you think. What you focus on expands. Your mind cannot tell the difference between what you think is real and what is real, so know in your heart and mind that the last 10 pounds to lose is easy. Clean up your diet, improve what you drink for fluids, spend more time awake and make sure you stay active.

Trust me, the last 10 pounds is an easy thing to accomplish.

Lean more about Weight Loss Tips, Fitness, Fat Loss and Diet Supplements at, a part of the network.

HealthDay - THURSDAY, April 2 (HealthDay News) -- Gene mutations that cause infertility in men could point the way to a male birth control pill, American and Iranian researchers say.

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How Lose Fat Safely

Best Weight Loss Pills

What are the best weight loss pills? If you are overweight or obese you have definitely asked this question many times. Whatever our excess weight can be, we always want to be slim. And the best weight loss pills have been always sought after.

Let's think a little on this philosophic question and try to answer it based on what we know about this weight loss aid we can't refuse of using...

We all know the easiest and safest way to live a slim and healthy life is to: consume healthy foods in a balanced diet regime, exercise and stay physically active, and get a sufficient amount of rest each day. Well, weight loss pills may offer a short cut, it might not always be the best route to take. If we make a decision to take weight loss pills, it is always important to understand how they work. It should be in you best interest to know what you are inserting in your body.

Which are best weight loss pills - prescription or natural?

First, weight loss pills are divided into two major groups - prescribed or over-the-counter diet pills. Do you like to know which are best? Well, consider the following - prescription weight loss pills are clinically tested and proven to work as they claim. If say Xenical claims to block 25% of dietary fats from your meals - those are clinically proven results. And approved by official medical organizations that guarantees drug action according to claims.

But prescription weight loss pills are not the perfect - I would say they are far from it and mostly due to side effects and unnatural chemicals applied. The same Xenical gives you a bunch of "additional benefits" like oily spotting, oily stool, possible nausea, diarrhea and more.

At the same time, prescription weight loss pills are basically used in case of obesity with possible dangers to your health. Their effects, side effects are studied and known, and if there's no other ways for you to lose weight naturally - probably prescribed drugs are the best weight loss pills to choose.

Weight loss supplements, or over-the-counter or natural weight loss pills, are not the best ones either, due to numerous reasons. Mostly because they don't back their claims. Have you noticed fantastic or amazing promises to help you lose pounds a day or permanent weight loss results?

The problem is most manufacturers don't support these claims with clinical studies. You cannot know for sure if you buy some real mix of ingredients proven to burn your fat or increase metabolism, or it's just placebo.

Another point of concern is natural or herbal ingredients. Natural does not mean safe. Consider this when choosing weight loss pills. Ephedra or ma huang were the most popular fat burner active ingredients and might be considered as best weight loss pills, until FDA found them being extremely dangerous to our nervous system and heart. Several death cases preceded the ephedra ban.

So our advice in choosing natural supplements - the best weight loss pills among over the counter are well known brands that everybody knows and many people use successfully.

Undoubted leader among natural weight loss pills in 2007 is Proactol - acknowledged by health professionals and customers as good and safe weight loss support.

Weight loss pills action types

We can differ weight loss pills by type of action. Here we have several major types like fat burners, appetite suppressants or fat blockers. They can be both prescription and natural weight loss pills.

Fat burners work accordingly to help the body in breaking down the fat, internally. Once released from fat cells, fat enters the blood stream as free acids that are then carried to muscle cells where they are to be burned.

Another, probably the most widespread pills are appetite suppressants. These pills take away the desire to eat and allow you to keep down the fat consumption. Most of prescription drugs are suppressants, like Phentermine, Meridia (sibutramine), Acomplia and several other brands. Appetite suppressants are the oldest type of pills to struggle extra weight, and many people use them successfully.

Their popularity grew even more after Hoodia Gordonii appeared on weight loss market. It's considered the best natural appetite suppressant that has not been researched thoroughly but showed good efficacy.

Another type of weight loss pills is gaining more popularity due to more safe and healthy effect comparing with others - fat blockers. Among prescription drugs it is Xenical, blocking fat by affecting lipase enzymes responsible for fat absorption. It helped many people lose weight along with good dieting regime, but it's side effects include abdomen discomfort, diarrhea, and the inability to absorb a lot of important fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients.

Alli is a lighter version of Xenical with the same side effects and many medical professionals refuse to ally themselves with Alli as best weight loss pill because of moderate efficacy combined with many side effects.

Among natural fat blockers chitosan is widespread ingredient. There are many pills based on chitosan claiming fat blocking effect, but scientific researches proved weak fat blocking capacities of chitosan.

As fat blocker, acting somewhat like Xenical but binding fats directly in the stomach, Proactol now is a leading weight loss pill. It acts safely and helps lose weight steadily and prevent weight gain if we eat fatty meals.

The conclusion is simple - choose well known brands that many people used already and had positive results. There is no perfect weight loss aid - but weight loss pills are popular and one of the reasons is that they do help you lose weight more effectively.

Anthony Voronoff is an expert maknig reviews and comparisons of proven natural weight loss pills from reputable brands. If you want to discover top natural weight loss pills proven for efficacy and positively rated by customers, visit Best weight loss pills now.

HealthDay - SATURDAY, April 4 (HealthDay News) -- Obese adults are at higher risk of gum disease than are normal-weight people, a new study finds.

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A Weight Loss Tip That Will Help You

Weight loss attained in such fast ways as after a gastric bypass often brings potentially lethal side effects and often people end-up gaining back the lost pounds and adding on a few more.
Such up and down weight loss have their cost on overall health and should be avoided.
The only proven ways to lose unwanted fat and keep a healthy weight is by eating right and exercising properly. We all know we should eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits and stay away from carbohydrates and processed food in order to lose weight and maintain a healthy figure.

Many well intended people have made the connection and started eating right and exercising but gave up after a short period, only to indulge in fattening food and end-up gaining more weight than they lost. One can ask what went wrong, why do people do not stick to their good intentions and give up too soon when trying get fit and acquiring healthy habits.

The reason people give up too soon on the weight loss and exercise regimen is that they are not enough patient. Most of the time, they stick to eating right and moving around for a week or two and they do drop fat. Then, they get discouraged to see that they only lose let's say 5 pounds and feel like they ideal weight goal is too far to reach so they give into the latest diet fad.
A great weight loss trick is not to see the pounds lost per say but rather count in percentage of your goal. Hence a person with a goal of losing 40 pounds might be discouraged to realize that after a month of sticking to her healthy habits, she only lost 10 pounds. If she looks at it from a percentage view, she most probably will feel encouraged to realize she has already attained 25% of her goal!

Such a small trick as considering weight loss from a percentage point of view may sound trivial but your mind will certainly go for it and get encouraged by such a success.

When wanting to lose weight, a person should also consider the inner battle that put her in such a situation that she now eats for the wrong reasons and has lost her sense of appetite and might have in the past eaten for such reasons as emotions, sadness, boredom or just because the food was there.

Hypnosis can be a great tool to help lose weight by reprogramming the brain to consider food as the body's fuel not a way of dealing with emotions.

When working on getting fit a person also has to be patient and realize that the extra pounds she now carries have crawled on slowly. Losing the extra fat can and should take time to be healthy. After all, again a person might get discouraged to only lose weight at a rate of 2 pounds per week but this adds up to over 100 pounds in one year!

For more weight loss information and help, please visit us at:

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Weight Loss - How to Follow a Low GI Diet

If you're looking for a diet for weight loss, you'll find plenty of 'fad' diets, most of which don't work at least over the long term. The low GI diet isn't a fad, and there are studies to back up its effectiveness for weight loss. And it will for a lifetime, because it's really not a diet, it's a way of eating, a healthy lifestyle that you partake in for the rest of your years.

As a result you'll not only lose those extra pounds, you'll maintain a healthy body weight and get a heap of other health benefits, as well as feeling better overall.

GI is a ranking system from 1 to 100. What it does is measure how the food you eat affects your blood glucose level two hours after it is eaten. A diet filled with foods that have a high glycemic index have several potential health problems associated with them, and they also cause weight gain and fat gain. A low glycemic diet can help you shed any extra pounds and maintain your healthy body weight.

The low GI diet recommends that at least two of your daily meals are low glycemic foods. This doesn't mean that high glycemic foods are completely banned, however most meals should be made of low glycemic foods.

It doesn't mean you have to know the GI value of every food you plan to eat. It does mean you should be eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. It also means you should know whether major carb foods would fit into a high, low, or medium GI category. In other words when you are choosing pastas, rice, breads, and cereals you should know which have the lowest glycemic index and those are the ones you should be choosing.

One way to be able to sneak higher glycemic foods into a meal is to mix them in smaller quantities with a low glycemic index food. For example, if you really love potatoes, you could have a small amount of potatoes (high GI) with plenty of fish and green leafy vegetables (low GI).

Keeping the amount of cooking time to a minimum reduces the GI value too. The longer a food is cooked the higher the GI value. For example, raw fruit or vegetables are low in the glycemic index while cooked potatoes are high.

Think vegetables, vegetables, and then more vegetables. You should also include legumes and beans often. Mashed lentils are an excellent alternative to mashed potatoes. And fresh herbs on the side are perfect. Protein rich foods such as chicken and fish (also low in fat) are part of a low GI diet.

Let's have a look at some GI ideas for each meal:


Eat lots of fresh fruit especially apples, cherries, and berries
Use low fat dairy products, eg yogurt
Cereals such as muesli, oats, or bran
Oily fish
Eggs or omelette
Nuts and seeds


Open sandwiches on wholegrain (multigrain) or sourdough bread
Baked beans
Fresh fruit
Vegetable soups like barley
Cheeses that are low in fat like ricotta
Edam or cottage cheese
Raw vegetables and/or salad

Evening Meal

Meals prepared from scratch
Vegetables in stirfries or soups
Fish or chicken
Beans or lentils as part of a meal or as a side dish
Noodles or pasta
Sweet potatoes


Oat based snacks
Blueberries, strawberries or apple

There you have it - some ideas on how to follow a low GI diet. You'll be living healthier and shedding those extra pounds. Your body will thank you. Not only will you lose weight and shed the pounds, but your overall health will improve as well. So go for it and get these wholesome foods into your diet right away.

Want the natural fat loss supplements that work? Then see these reviews by Kurt Ryan of the top 7 weight loss tips as well as the natural diet pills that work, to help you lose fat and keep it off. If you want successful weight loss and to do it fast, then get the top 7 tips for fast weight loss right here.

AP - Traces of a chemical used in rocket fuel were found in samples of powdered baby formula, and could exceed what's considered a safe dose for adults if mixed with water also contaminated with the ingredient, a government study has found.

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How to Enable Quick Fat Loss Through Small Dietary Changes

A few years ago the Atkins diet took the world by storm. However, the furor has died down considerably, since people figured out that cutting carbohydrates out of your diet completely wasn't such a hot idea. Carbohydrates are needed by your body to fuel your muscles and major organs. If your body is deprived of carbohydrates, your body starts burning fat and muscle in order to create fuel.

In other words, sure you may lose a few pounds of fat as a result, but you'll also lose a few pounds of muscle as well. What does this mean for long term, quick fat loss? By dropping muscle, you're setting yourself up for failure, because once you start eating carbs again, your body burns less calories than it did previous to the diet, and so you gain weight quicker.

Your body needs carbs, but the trick is to eat carbohydrates that don't spike your blood sugar levels into the stratosphere. For instance, a potato is full of starch, and once you put it in your mouth, chew and swallow, your blood sugar spikes. Your body then converts that blood sugar into fat.

A carrot or pear on the other hand, won't cause your blood sugar levels to spike, thus giving your body the energy it needs, without allowing it to store excess amounts of fat. Learning this trick is one of the secrets to quick fat loss.

A great way to measure how good a food is in terms of how much it will cause your blood sugar levels to spike, is to use the Glycemic Index. The Glycemic Index - or GI for short - uses a scale to measure how fast a food will cause your blood sugar levels to rise. Foods that have a high GI rating cause rapid rises in blood sugar levels, while foods that have a low rating are absorbed by the body more slowly, and won't cause a spike in your blood sugar levels. The index uses a scale, which rates foods from 0-100. Anything with a GI score of 55 or over is not very good for you.

If you're looking for quick fat loss, the GI is a great way to begin. There's no need to cut out carbs all together in order to achieve quick fat loss. Instead, like most things, moderation is the best course of action. Drink plenty of water, exercise on a regular basis, and eat whole foods that are healthy and nutritious. Do these things, and you're well on your way to a slimmer, healthier more energetic you.

No matter how you decide to alter your diet in terms of nutrition and exercise, be certain to get yourself on a good multivitamin, and to detox your system by increasing your fiber intake and introducing regular body wrap supplementation. Without the proper vitamins, minerals, and detoxification, you may be halting your fat loss efforts before they even begin.

For the many inquiries I receive with regard to quick fat loss, here is my personal recommendation: Quick Fat Loss.

Also, of noteworthy interest is this website which provides dozens of resources and articles with regard to belly fat and a variety of different weight loss techniques: Fat Belly.

Brandon Walsh is an Ezine expert author in the fields of nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living and has over 300,000 published article views.

A rescued moon bear peers out of a cage at the Animals Asia Moon Bear Rescue Centre on the outskirts of Chengdu, in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. Thirteen moon bears were handed over to the animal charity group after years of abuse living at bile-harvesting farms in the province showing signs of malnourishment and disease and with one bear being euthanised shortly after arriving.(AFP/File/Peter Parks)AP - Federal prosecutors in California have charged a South Korean national with illegally importing almost a kilogram of bear bile to sell as an aphrodisiac.

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2 Exercise Options For Weight Loss

Here are 2 exercise options for weight loss that you don't want to miss. You don't need to get to a gym and you don't need to be bored out of your mind when exercising. That won't get you far in regards to weight loss. I have 2 exercises that you will find easy to incorporate into your life. So read this now.

Exercise Options for Weight Loss

1. Simple jumping jacks during tv commercials

I hear a lot of time from my clients about how they're so busy and can't fit in exercise. Sure, yeah right. We're all busy, but some of us still find a way to fit in exercise. They should instead say they're not motivated to fit exercising into their day. But ok, whatever. I'll hit them with this then. I'll tell them to do jumping jacks during tv commercials... at least 5 different tv commercial breaks.

Since I know that each commercial break lasts about 3 minutes and they'll do that 5 different times, that's 15 minutes of exercise they slipped into their schedule without any problems. I urge you to do that. Or if you want to up the level a bit, jump rope instead.

2. Do 6 sets of 25 bodyweight squats

This is a great exercise that doesn't require any weights. Just you and your body. Squat up and down. Be sure to squat down deep enough. There's no point cheating on this exercise since nobody is watching and you'll only be cheating yourself. If you do these sets all together, be sure to rest 45-60 seconds between sets. But you can space them apart through the day and night. Just get all the sets and reps in by the end of the day.

These 2 exercise options for weight loss are both easy and fast, so give them a 2 week test drive and see what they can do for you.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

A rescued moon bear peers out of a cage at the Animals Asia Moon Bear Rescue Centre on the outskirts of Chengdu, in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. Thirteen moon bears were handed over to the animal charity group after years of abuse living at bile-harvesting farms in the province showing signs of malnourishment and disease and with one bear being euthanised shortly after arriving.(AFP/File/Peter Parks)AP - Federal prosecutors in California have charged a South Korean national with illegally importing almost a kilogram of bear bile to sell as an aphrodisiac.

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Contemplating Weight Loss Surgery? Get the Benefits Without the Scalpel!

To contemplate something as extreme as weight loss surgery, you would have to be at the "last resort" stage. Questions such as "Did I give it my best shot?" or "Do I really want to take this chance?" have to be swirling around inside your head. Whether you are a frustrated life-long dieter or just looking for the easy way out of your problem, there's one more thing to try before putting yourself at risk with surgery.

Two years ago, while vacationing with friends on the island of Jamaica, I became fascinated with my friend's eating habits. She had just undergone gastric bypass surgery the month before our trip. She and I had fought the battle of the bulge for many years, sometimes successfully and sometimes not. In between the umbrella drinks and the endless buffets at our resort, it occurred to me that similar results could be achieved in a less drastic and less dangerous manner.

As a result of watching my friend eat over the course of the week, I developed what I call the 5-4-3-2-1 diet plan. It's a simple strategy, which helps you eat small amounts that over time will lead to huge rewards on the scale! My observations revealed that eating small bites and chewing them very well are key elements to weight loss. Additionally, savoring each bite and waiting at least a minute between bites encourages satisfaction with less food! I realized that this was the same premise as the popular French Women Don't Get Fat diet by Mireille Guiliano.

I came home from my vacation and tried my new 5-4-3-2-1 diet plan. It was important for me to see if my idea was a practical one. I followed it religiously for one month and lost a record twenty pounds, twice what I usually lose in one month of dieting! In many ways the diet was easy to follow. Because I could eat small amounts of whatever I chose, eating out socially became much easier, since no foods were forbidden. I will say that the first few days were grueling. Most of us with excess weight are volume eaters, and as with weight loss surgery, there is no volume eating with the 5-4-3-2-1 diet. The biggest surprise on the diet was how good I felt after a few days of eating significantly less food!

As with all diets, an important component is exercise. It is possible to diet without exercising and still lose weight, but with the loss of lean muscle mass and the advent of loose skin, I don't believe you'll be happy with the end results. Even a simple thirty-minute walk each day can make a big difference.

I found it helpful to keep a weight loss journal as well. Dieting is a "head game" and it is necessary to be self-indulgent and aware. Reasoning with yourself and giving yourself pep talks are invaluable strategies! You will need to constantly remind yourself why weight loss is more important to you than the bite of food that is tempting you. Impulsive eating is disastrous! Always think before you take a bite!

So, before you make any decisions about weight loss that require you to visit the hospital, try the 5-4-3-2-1 diet. Power through those first few tough days and know that your motivation will kick in as soon as you begin to notice weight loss! You will enjoy the satisfaction that comes with having controlled the problem on your own!

Gail M. Davis offers the 5-4-3-2-1 Diet free on her website. Visit Easy Weight Loss Tips today to print free food and exercise logs, find healthy recipes, read motivational strategies, and much more.

AP - Traces of a chemical used in rocket fuel were found in samples of powdered baby formula, and could exceed what's considered a safe dose for adults if mixed with water also contaminated with the ingredient, a government study has found.

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Weight Loss Supplements For a Beautiful You

Losing weight can prove to be a real challenge. There are various weight loss programs available, but as much as possible you would go for something non-invasive and safe. There are certainly lots of weight loss supplements you can try, but with so many options, all promising miracle solutions, finding the one best suited to your needs can be confusing.

To erase your doubts and help you decide on the best product to use, do not forget to read the label and take particular attention to the ingredients that compose the product. This is very important; unfortunately, this is often overlooked by many. Even with proven weight loss supplements, it is still necessary to know more about the ingredients of the product. If you are shopping online for such supplements, the website carrying such products should be able to list down the items that compose the products it is selling. If none is listed, that could be an indication that the product may not be safe to use.

Another thing you should watch out for when looking for the right product is its ability to fight cravings. A good weight loss supplement should be able to control your appetite so you will not tend to over eat. Besides curbing your appetite, proven weight loss supplements have the ability to break down fat and convert it to energy.

There is an abundance of products that promise amazing results in a short time. If you want something that really works, though, you should look for a product that has the features of a good weight loss supplement - the ability to control cravings and the ability to break down fats. One such product is Hoodia Rush, a dietary supplement that contains twice the amount of the purest and the most powerful Hoodia Gordonii normally found in other products. Hoodia Rush is growing in popularity as one of the latest proven weight loss supplements to hit the market.

Are you ready to lose weight safely? Visit our weight loss review site to find out more about these amazing weight loss products.

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