Fast Weight Loss

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Phenocal's Real Weight Loss Abilities

Review Summary

There are lots of weight loss formulas on the market these days, and they are more popular than ever before due to Americas growing awareness that our waistlines are out of control, as well as the knowledge that this actually impacts our health by opening the door to a variety of illnesses. Phenocal is one of many formulas currently available, and it is advertised as being able to help users manage the very issues that make dieting really overwhelming, including sluggish metabolism, low energy levels, hunger and cravings. These are catch phases many of us are familiar with, but while there are hundreds of purported weight loss agents on the market, only a few produce high level results, which is why we are going to start with reviewing this product's formula to see what it may truly be capable of.

Ingredients at a Glance

This weight loss formula contains Hoodia Gordonii, Green Tea, 5 HTP, Garcinia Cambogia, Chromium, Evodiamine, Yerba Mate, Bioperine, Coleus Forskohlii, Cocoa Extract, 7 Keto DHEA, L Tyrosine, Biotin and other minerals.

Ingredients in Focus

The good news about Phenocal is that it contains Hoodia Gordonii and Yerba Mate, two premiere weight loss extracts. Hoodia has been shown in a wide array of clinical studies to be able to shut hunger off in the brain, where it actually begins. In one study it helped obese individuals cut 1000 calories a day off their diet. Yerba Mate, on the other hand, is a high performance fat burner that was shown to be able to help the body release more fat so it can be burned off by the muscles. However, how much of these extracts are used is not disclosed, and they work best in larger dosages. Also, this formula is laden with a wide array of elements that have only moderate weight loss abilities, like Green Tea and Garcinia Cambogia.


We also have to point out that Phenocal contains Caffeine, which has side effects like palpitations, raised blood pressure, sleeplessness and anxiety. However, these side effects pale when compared with those associated with DHEA, which is also used in his formula, because it has an affect on both male and female sex hormones. This means that it has a potentiality for causing femininizing side effects in men and masculizing side effects in women. For men this may mean developing breasts, and for women it may mean a deepening of the voice and developing facial hair. These unappealing side effects may be enough to make most people turn away from this product.


Contains Hoodia and Yerba Mate, but the amounts are not revealed

Price breaks are available at this time


DHEA has a number of negative side effects

Caffeine also has some negative side effects

Does not contain higher performance extracts like Advantra Z

May not be able to promote substantial weight loss results

Final Thoughts

Formula choices often dictate a product's effectiveness, and the ones that crafted Phenocal made it a rather pedestrian formula. While it does contain Hoodia and Yerba Mate, it appears the dosages are too low to make much of a difference, and the rest of the formula contains low level thermogenic agents, which may further reduce their abilities. However, we always suggest that consumers do a bit more research before making a decision either for or against buying a formula. For this reason we have provide some links to other resources below that discuss the pros and cons of this formula. We suggest checking them out to gain a broader perspective.

Before purchasing any weight loss product, it would be a good idea to see what people are saying about Phenocal on the very popular

You can also click here to get even more detailed information from on Phenocal.

AP - A top children's hospital wants to improve the survival rate of infants born with a birth defect that many families have never heard of until their child is diagnosed.


Abdominal Weight Loss... Losing Fat From Your Middle

As an exercise guru once stated, "Everyone's got Ab's you jus' need to show em". From the frantic efforts in gyms and obsessions with the so elusive six pack, it seems many never quite got what he meant.

The most noticeable part of a fat person is quite often the stomach but its disadvantage is much more than cosmetic. And apart from being concerned about the loss of aesthetics, it is also reasonable to get concerned of a fat midsection

A fat abdomen not only results to larger pant sizes, it is also a serious health issue. It points to your state of degenerating health. Accumulation of body fat mainly around your midsection (commonly referred to as apple shaped, as opposed to pear shaped that has fat around hips, buttocks and thighs) is more dangerous than any other fat distribution. It is associated with increased risk of heart disease, Type II diabetes and other diseases that often accompany obesity.

However the notion that you can lose fat specifically from the stomach area only is unfounded. Spot weight reduction is really a myth. You just cannot loss weight from one specific area of the body. A good example of how one loses body fat is given by the fat-loss expert and body builders, Tom Venuto.

He explains losing fat is like empting a swimming pool. The last part of the pool to get covered by water when filling it up will be the first part of the pool to show up when emptying it. On the contrary the first part of the pool, the deep end, which fills up first, will be the last place to empty.

Another example would be the loading of a truck container with sacks of potatoes. The first sacks to go into the container will be at the furthest end. The last sacks would be closest to the door. On unloading the first sacks to be loaded will be the first to be unloaded while the first to be loaded will be the last to be unloaded.

Similarly in losing weight the last place you deposited fat will be the first place you lose in. And the first place you deposited fat will be the last place to lose it.

Unfortunately, for most of us, the first place we deposit fat is in the abdominal area. This is particularly so for men. Women tend to have first deposits in thighs and hip area also. This distribution of body fat then translates to mean that abdominal fat is usually the last body fat to be lost.

Though this is roughly the way the body distributes fat, obviously it is not as simple. Your body does not store fat at the abdomen and say, Ahha! That's full, lets' start depositing in the under arms. But on the other hand, it doesn't necessarily distribute body fat equally around the body. Depending on your genetics the body will deposit fat in different parts and at different rates. Often some part will have more deposits than others. However you will rarely see a fat person who does not have a large abdomen.

To see your abdominal muscles you will need to cut down on your total body fat. More crunches will just not do it. Yes the crunches do develop the muscles, unfortunately they will still be under two inches of sub-cuteneous fat. And most likely a one pack was not exactly your idea of attractive.

Mark Kimathi writes about weight loss on topics like celebrity diets such as Anna Nicole Smith weight loss at

AP - The government ordered 14 unapproved narcotic painkillers off the market Tuesday, prescription versions of potent morphine, hydromorphone and oxycodone. The Food and Drug Administration told nine manufacturers to quit distributing the drugs within 90 days - but insisted there are plenty of legal versions of the painkillers being sold for patients who need relief.

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The Secret of Fast Weight Loss - How to Do it Safely

Most weight loss programs out there are quick to lure you into the secret of fast weight loss but none of them is ready to tell you how many people after initially losing the weight, will get it back soon afterwards and some more. There are programs out there promoting "how to lose 14-15 pounds in a week or less. These programs are not safe at all. They will have you popping pills to suck up all the fat from your body and these pills can also be dangerous for your health.

Medical experts recommend that you should lose no more than two pounds a week. That is safe and doable. When you hear about losing 10 to 15 pounds in 7 days, most of it will be water loss from the body, not real weight loss. What is the point of trying to lose 15 pounds in a week, if it leaves you weak with no energy and in a terrible mood. Losing weight should be fun and where you should feel ready to tackle activities that you meant to do for a long time.

The secret of fast weight loss is to know how much weight you want to lose and select a weigh loss plan that will be convenient for you based on your body structure and schedule. You also have to set deadline as to when you want to lose that first five pounds and work toward that goal. You'll see that once you start seeing real, concrete results from your weigh loss program, that will keep you going and motivated and finishing the program will be easy.

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AP - Calling your state stop-smoking hot line for help kicking the habit? Expect a wait: Smokers are flooding the lines in a panic over an increase in the tobacco tax.

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Weight Loss Cure Or HCG Diet - Is it the Answer?

The Weight Loss Cure, also called The Hcg Diet, Has been made popular by Kevin Trudeau on TV and with his recent book. Do you wonder if it is for you?

So, what is Hcg? It is the abbreviation for the hormone women produce in pregnancy. Sometimes it is taken for fertility problems. It is natural in the body and also made synthetically.

What does it do? Hcg is the breakthrough discovery for weight loss developed by Dr. Simeons in Rome. It has been a secret of the rich and famous and movie stars, presidents and heads of state. They went to Rome on vacation and checked into his clinic. It was very expensive and offered in some clinics in the USA over the years, but people didn't really know or understand what they were taking. They thought it was mostly vitamin B-12 shots.

How does it work? Dr Simeons was studying weight loss and obesity and trying different diets on his patients and not very happy with his small success. Then he noticed how emaciated or mal-nourished women in poor countries produced normal healthy babies. Even women who are nauseated and can't keep food down (a condition called hyperemesis) produce healthy normal babies.

The way I understand it, Hcg is the hormone that makes sure the baby gets the nutrients first, at the expense of the mother. So, he figured out that by taking Hcg with a low calorie, low fat diet, the body is forced to burn fat. Hcg causes your body to mobilize fat out of the fat storage locations first, which doesn't happen with the usual diets. Best of all, you aren't hungry because of the Hcg and how it makes your body burn over 1000 calories a day.

What are the benefits? This is what is really exciting. You lose fast. You aren't particularly hungry which is unusual for most diets. And you don't develop loose or sagging skin. You just tighten up. Have you heard about the real person hiding inside a fat body? Well, the fat almost slides off and the real you emerges.

Where do you get Hcg? You can go to your doctor and he may know a little now about The Weight Loss Cure made famous by Kevin Trudeau. He can write you a prescription and you will mostly be researching and doing it on your own. Or you can find a clinic that does the Hcg Diet in a lot of big cities now. There are clinics offering to mail pre-filled syringes for injection and some clinics even offer it in an oral form. I recommend you go to your doctor and get a check-up and then apply to one of the clinics. Most will take online applications.

I learned a lot by trial and error. I want to help others have success with this diet like I have. For free information go to

Janet Sweeney is a successful Hcg Dieter, wanting to help others have success losing with the Weight Loss Cure program. Free information at

HealthDay - MONDAY, March 30 (HealthDay News) -- Babies who gain weight quickly during the first six months of life may be more prone to obesity as toddlers, Harvard researchers report.

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Weight Loss Advice and Tips For Overweight Women

Here's some good weight loss advice and tips for overweight women who are STRUGGLING to lose weight. I'm going to share with you a 2-STEP APPROACH to losing weight that'll finally get you the results you desire. If you're stomach is just way too big and you want to shrink it down somewhat, then this short 2 minute article will help you out there. If you're butt and thighs aren't what you want them to be, there's help. Read this now.

Weight Loss Advice and Tips

1. Do bodyweight squats really fast twice a day for 3 minutes each time

Ok, here's what I want you to do. In your living room or wherever, squat up and down as fast as you can for 3 minutes. You can do this non-stop (really hard) or do it in sets of 25 repetitions with a short 30 second break between each set. Do this once early in the day and once later in the day for at least 5 days a week.

So the total time I'm asking from you is only 30 minutes in a week. That's NOTHING! And for that, you will burn off tons of fat from your stomach, butt, and legs.

2. Become a black beans queen

Learn to love this food. It's a SUPERFOOD. It's cheap, quick to cook (5 minutes), and can go with all kinds of meals, salads, and soups. High in protein and fiber, it's virtually perfect. It doesn't even contain sugar. Find some way to eat 1 can of these a day. I personally eat 1/2 can at breakfast and another 1/2 can with my lunch.

The weight loss advice and tips for overweight women that I just mentioned is PROVEN and EFFECTIVE. Give it a try.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

A handout image obtained from the University of Portsmouth in 2008 shows an artist's impression of a sauropod. A fondly-held belief about long-necked sauropods, the giant four-footed dinosaurs beloved of monster movies and children, is most probably untrue, a dino expert said on Wednesday.(AFP/HO/File/Mark Witton/Mike Taylor)AFP - A fondly-held belief about long-necked sauropods, the giant four-footed dinosaurs beloved of monster movies and children, is most probably untrue, a dino expert said on Wednesday.

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Child Weight Loss Management Demands Your Active Involvement

One doesn't need to look at statistics to realize that obesity under children is becoming a major problem; one simply needs to look at the kids you see in the streets and at the mall. Helping your child to manage his or her weight is of vital importance.

Losing weight used to be easy for the children of a few decades ago because they were usually involved in a large number of physical activities. Not so with today's children anymore.

Today's children spend more time playing video games, chatting on the computer, and surfing the Internet than they spend outdoors running around and getting some physical exercise.

Even if they want to get exercise there are no children's gyms that they can go to and get the exercise they need to maintain a healthy weight.

Combine this with the modern diet of fast food and other fattening foods that children usually eat, and you can understand why so many of them suffer from obesity.

Child weight loss management can help your child avoid possible health problems.

Helping your child manage their weight involves educating them on the types of foods that are good for them and the types of foods that are bad for them. Your child will not know this if you do not give him or her that information.

If your child needs to lose weight then you need to sit down with them and work out the goals that they should attain. Secondly you need to give your child a program that will help them lose weight. You also need to explain the detail of the program to the child. The easier the steps in the program and the better the child understands why they need to do every step, the more successful the program will be for you child.

An important step in child weight loss management is to clear your house of any foods that will undermine your child's weight loss efforts. It is not in your child's best interest if you give them a weight loss program and there are cookies and candy and other types of fattening foods readily available to them. I think you know what a struggle it is to lose weight. You can imagine how much more difficult it is for a child who has not yet developed the level of will power of an adult.

Lastly, to help your child lose weight, you need to design an exercise program for the child. This exercise program must be fun for the child otherwise it will be something that they rebel against.

Effective child weight loss management means that you must be actively involved on a constant basis with your child's efforts to lose weight.

Tisha Diaz recommends this fat loss and weight control program that will help you get rid of those excess pounds and make you slim and trim.

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Start Your Fat Loss Plan As Soon As Possible

There are a lot of people who would like to lose weight. Yet there are also people who think that they do not need to do so. However, you will certainly need to start your fat loss plan if you are overweight.

First of all, you will need to know if you are overweight. There are a lot of methods to estimate the ratio of fat and muscle mass in your body. You may also use a simple BMI chart to check if you are overweight. Yet, it will be quite certain that you will need to lose fat if you have a lot of belly fat.

Even if you know that you have to lose weight, you may not know how you should start. The first issue you need to understand is that it will not be a good idea to try to lose 10 pounds a week. In most cases, losing 2 pounds a week will be something healthier. As a result, you should also target at this if you are trying to lose fat.

Besides, the idea of losing fat should be stressed. You should think about fat loss instead of merely weight loss. You can lose weight by losing water in your body. However, this will not make you become healthier. You can only become healthier by losing the excessive fat in your body.

When you are trying to lose fat, you will need to have a concrete dieting and exercising plan. Remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Besides, you should try to lower the intake of saturated fat and sugar. As a result, you will try to eliminate foods such as desserts and soda in your diet. Of course you will not include junk foods such as fries and chips in your diet.

It is also be very important for you to start your exercising plan. The idea behind exercising plan is to boost your metabolism. You will be building some muscle mass as well. By doing this you can make your body an effective fat and calorie burning machine. You can lose fat a lot easier if you do so.

In order to further lower the intake of fat, you may also consider taking some fat binder weight loss pills. However, you should make sure that you will be choosing products that are 100% safe to use. Of course you should stick to some natural products.

Proactol Fat Binder Pill can help to lower your fat intake. Be sure to check Weight Loss Pills Reviews of Antony Lee.

HealthDay - MONDAY, March 30 (HealthDay News) -- Babies who gain weight quickly during the first six months of life may be more prone to obesity as toddlers, Harvard researchers report.

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How to Choose Pure Acai Supplements Or Acai Capsules For Fast and Effective Weight Loss

Weight Loss supplements are very important ingredients of the diet for a person looking to shed those unwanted pounds. Acai berry supplements are one of the most effective weight loss supplements available. But all Acai supplements are not equal. Lets first understand how an Acai berry supplement is made, The process involves a key property of Acai, which is it doesn't loose any of its benefits when preserved. The pulp of the Acai fruit is squeezed and freezed dried into a fine powder. This powder is then put in a capsule to give convenient Acai superfood supplement.

Now the process has many variant and sometimes due to lack of knowledge and right ingredient the weight loss effect reduces drastically. Following are the factors which effect the Acai supplement effectiveness

1) The supplement should not be Spray Dried. This is a cheap way to process Acai . It involves heating the Acai to high temperatures which results in loss of antioxidants and vitamins.

2) Spraying the Acai with Maltodextrin: This is a terrible idea and is generally added to remove water. Its a chemical which destroys the natural benefits and need to be avoided at all cost. Since this is a manufacturing indigent its not mandatory to be posted on the label. A FDA loophole which is exploited.

3) Acai Seed in Acai Product: An Acai fruit is 70% seed and 30% pulp. In the amazon forest the native discard the seed and eat the skin and the pulp. All the researches shows that benefits of the Acai is the pulp and not the seed. When companies use grind the whole fruit it greatly devalues the supplement.

Now with so much to consider its certainly become lot difficult to choose the right Acai Supplement. We have a solution for you. We are so sure of our product that we provide a 14 day free trail, yes you heard it right. You get 14 days to try the acai supplements and see how they work.

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In this 2008 file photograph provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), under a magnification of 5000X, this colorized scanning photomicrograph shows numbers of clustered Gram-negative Salmonella Typhimurium bacteria, the type linked to the salmonella outbreak  that resulted in the recall of more than 1,500 foods.  The head of Kellogg, the world's biggest cereal maker, on Thursday will urge Congress to revamp how the government polices his industry. The Kellogg Co. lost $70 million in the recent salmonella outbreak, after it had to recall millions of packages of peanut butter crackers and cookies.    (AP Photo/CDC, Janice Haney Carr, File)AP - In another food scare sure to rattle consumers who watched the national salmonella outbreak in peanuts unfold, federal food officials are now warning people not to eat any food containing pistachios, which could carry contamination from the same bacteria.

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Fast Weight Loss Tricks!

Here are a few fast weight loss tricks you should be able to start doing immediately. If you want to change things up a bit, yet not make weight loss complicated, these tricks should help you out a lot. If you can spare 2 minutes to read this article now, I think you'll come away with at least 1 useful piece of information that you can implement right away.

Fast Weight Loss Tricks

1. Drop all drinks and start taking Stevia in your waters

Look, you know those sodas suck. Right there you add thousands of useless calories to your diet each month with absolutely no benefit to you. And don't even think about diet sodas, they're probably worse due to the unnatural aspartame sugar substitute in them. That thing actually increases your appetite. So any calories you save from drinking these, you'll lose back even more from eating more.

Use water and use Stevia... it's a natural sugar substitute. It's nice a sweet. You won't miss sugar. Just add 1-2 packets to your water. You'll be fine.

2. Fall in love with low calorie yogurts

This is fat becoming my snack of choice. It's not perfect, but 80 calorie or less yogurts get the job done. They fill you up A BIT and they have a decent amount of protein. You'll never get bored with these since they come in so many different flavors. Plus they're CHEAP. I buy the 33 cent Wal-Mart ones. Say I eat 3 a day as snacks. That's $1 and only 240 calories. Can't beat that.

Give these fast weight loss tricks and honest try for 2 weeks and I'll bet that you lose more than a few pounds.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

In this file photo, Dr. John Lasala, director of the Cardiac Cath Lab at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, points out one of the three major coronary arteries, the one he ominously refers to as the 'widowmaker,' using a model of the human heart, June 24, 2002 in St. Louis. The pink tubes on the model depict a heart after bypass surgery. (AP Photo/Tom Gannam)AP - It's been a dream for a decade: a single daily pill combining aspirin, cholesterol medicine and blood pressure drugs - everything people need to prevent heart attacks and strokes in a cheap, generic form.

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Special Weight Loss Advice For Overweight Women

Here's some special weight loss advice for overweight women who are desperate to lose weight without having to resort to starvation diets and 5+ hours of working out each week. That stuff simply isn't necessary. You can lose weight with just a few small changes to your diet and exercise programs. If you're interested in knowing more, just take the next 2 minutes to read all of this article.

Special Weight Loss Advice

1. Eat an apple, some soup, or a vegetable salad before meals

Here's the thing. You can still eat the same foods that you like for your meals, however you will first need to eat an apple, a vegetable soup you made from scratch, or a vegetable salad 5 minutes before you eat. What will happen when you do this is that you will eat less of the meal. You'll trade out bad calories for better AND fewer calories.... yet you'll still feel full and satisfied. You'll get some good weight loss results doing this alone.

Seriously, is that too hard? Is that asking too much of yourself?

2. Have willpower in the grocery store so you won't need it at home

If you bring bad foods into your home, they WILL GET EATEN. Sooner or later, they will disappear down your mouth. Don't rely on your willpower at home. If you do, you're most likely going to fail. Willpower in the grocery store is much easier. You can avoid the "bad" aisles. Make your list and stick to it. Oh another thing, go to the grocery store AFTER you've eaten. Never go when you're hungry. Do this for obvious reasons.

3.Walk after your dinner

Without bad weather as an excuse, what's stopping you from taking a casual walk after dinner to help relax your body and specifically your digestive system? A simple 20 minute walk will do wonders. Enjoy the fresh air.

Listen, this special weight loss advice isn't complicated and it isn't complete. I don't want to fill you with too much information. Start with this stuff before trying to complicate your weight loss program.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

HealthDay - MONDAY, March 30 (HealthDay News) -- Babies who gain weight quickly during the first six months of life may be more prone to obesity as toddlers, Harvard researchers report.

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Women's Weight Loss

If you are a woman that wants to burn belly fat, you need a female fat loss workout, right? Seems pretty straight forward, but did you know that traditional cardio and high rep workouts are not the best female weight loss programs?

Everyone's crunched for time these days, but nothing compares to being a mom. You work, you take care of the kids, and you still want to find time to get a great fat burning workout in over the day in as little time as possible.

That's why I get very frustrated when I receive emails like this one describing archaic training programs. These cookie-cutter programs aren't efficient or even effective. Fortunately, I've included my exercise solution and a bonus butt-muscles workout below.

The letter...

Dear CB,

Here's an example of a recent workout w/ my trainer:

Leg ext. 40pds 3 sets of 15

Leg Press 130pds 3 sets of 15

Lunges (in place) 15pds 3 sets of 15 each leg

Inner/Outer Thigh 55pds 3 sets of 15

Seated Leg Curl 50pds 3 sets of 15

Seated Chest Press 35pds 3 sets of 15

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 12pds 3 sets of 15

Flat Dumbbell Flyes 10pds 3 sets of 15

Bench Dips 3 sets of 15

Tricep Kickbacks 8 to 10pds 3 sets of 15

Reverse Pushdowns 3 to 4 plates 3 sets of 15

Crunches (varied)

Cardio (45 mins to an hour, usually either 15 mins on various machines, or a 5K on the treadmill)

I've only dropped 12 pounds since last May, despite spending so much time in the gym.

Also, I work nightshift at a local hospital, so all my meals are sort of flip-flopped. I work out first thing in the morning, after working the night before, then go home and sleep. I try NOT to eat post-workout (just before bedtime).

What do you think? Can you help me? I'm committed to doing whatever's necessary. Any suggestions you might have would be greatly appreciated!

CB's reply...

Thanks for your email.

Well, here's the truth. If I had to write a program that I'd tell everyone not to use, then your program would be it.

My fat loss program is incredibly different from the one you use and its more efficient and effective.

You need to focus on total body training and nutrition, not high reps and slow cardio. And all that ab work? A waste of time.

Now I appreciate all the work that you do at the hospital, as I think that all hospital workers are underappreciated, plus it is not ideal that you work overnight but that is the way it is, i guess. However, you need to do the best you can to eat frequently.

Stay consistent on this program and you'll lose 12 pounds in less than half the time you wasted on the other program.

Say goodbye to the marathon, high rep, low intensity, long cardio workouts and get with the strength and interval plan for burning belly fat.

P.S. Here's a bodyweight only butt-training bonus:

Here's a beginner butt specific bodyweight exercise that every woman can do at home.

After your warmup, but before your main workout, do the following exercises in order with no rest between exercises. After you finish the side plank, rest 1 minute and then go through the "tri-set" 2 more times:

Single-leg hip extension: 8 reps (2-1-1-2) - the last number in the tempo recommendations means hold the top position for a 2 count.

Bird Dogs: 5 reps (1-1-1-5) - 5 second hold at top

Side Plank: 3x20 seconds

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

AP - A potential blockbuster diabetes medication from Bristol-Myers Squibb appears free from heart-related side effects that have plagued similar treatments, federal health officials said Monday.

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Xenical Weight Loss Pill - Does It Really Work?

Everybody wants to lose weight and many are willing to do anything to make sure that they shed off extra pounds. When exercise and dieting do not seem to be enough, there are always diet pills like Xenical.

Xenical (also called Orlistat) is probably one of the most popular diet pills today, but does it really work? Here we explore this pills pros and cons, so you can decide whether it is right for you.

What is Xenical?

Xenical is essentially a weight loss pill intended for dieters who already have obesity problems, and whose progress is safely monitored by their respective doctors. The main ingredient of Xenical is Orlistat, which is categorized as a lipase-inhibitor. This means that Xenical does its magic in the intestinal tract, sending out the surplus fat ingested through eating so that the body does not digest and store it.

Orlistat actually inhibits pancreatic lipase, which is the enzyme responsible for breaking down the triglycerides in your intestine. By doing so, Xenical therefore prevents triglycerides from turning into free fatty acids that your body can absorb. Xenical manufacturers say that their wonder weight loss drug can dramatically reduce by up to 30% -- the quantity of fat absorbed into the bloodstream, provided that a patient takes the
standard prescription dosage pegged at 120 mg, before meals, three times everyday.
This means that Xenical can keep around 600 calories from being digested by your body everyday. Losing 600 calories a day can cause you to lose about 1 pound every week.

Is it really effective

Different studies have different conclusions about the effectiveness of Xenical, but for the most part, they all seem to prove that it is effective. Some 35 to 55 percent of Xenical-taking dieters were found to have decreased their body mass by at least 5 percent, but of course, the entirety of this mass was not necessarily fat. About 16 to 25 percent were able to reduce their body mass by at least 10 percent. More importantly, though, Xenical takers seemed to have reduced type 2 diabetes instances by around 37 percent, in fact, which is a huge difference.

Sounds good so far. But are there any drawbacks?

Yes. Like all other diet pills, Xenical is not without its side effects.

For one, it may cause diarrhea. Xenical will cause the excess fat you eat to go straight out of your body, so if you are not careful and continue to eat a high-fat diet, you may have to go to the bathroom more often than normal. Many patients experience anal leakage, bowel pain, and flatulence. Do not worry, though there is hope. Just stick to a fat-free (or at least low-fat) diet while you are on Xenical to avoid this rather embarrassing inconvenience.

Xenical is also found to prevent the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients and vitamins, so you may need to take multivitamin tablets with vitamins A, E, K, D, and beta-carotene to compensate. Take the vitamins around two hours before (or after) you take Xenical.

Should I take Xenical?

Maybe, maybe not. If you are just a bit overweight but not obese, it may not be a good idea to take Xenical. This weight loss drug was originally intended for seriously obese patients who are also under the supervision of their doctors. Be sure to tell your doctor if you intend to take Xenical, and never buy from the black market. Your doctor can assess if it is right for your current medical condition.

Will Xenical make me thin forever?

No. Just like any other diet and weight loss pill, Xenical is not the answer to long-term weight loss. It can probably help you lose weight faster, but it cannot keep you from gaining. In fact, studies show that a lot of patients regained about 35 percent of the excess weight they have already lost when they stopped taking Xenical.

So while it is certainly helpful, Xenical is not the magic formula. You still need to alter your lifestyle choices to include exercise and a healthy diet the two essential ingredients for successful weight management.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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