Fast Weight Loss

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How to Lose the Weight

Are you sick and tired of the yo yo dieting. Do you ever imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and see the person you have been dreaming about. That sexy, beautiful person you once were and would love to become again. Did you just give birth to a beautiful baby and just want to lose the weight again. All that baby fat still hanging on. I know what you are talking about. I am going to talk to you about how you can with some help get rid of that unwanted fat once and for all and you know what, you will be able to keep it off too.

Firstly, make sure you eat breakfast each morning. Skipping breakfast is a no, no. This will cause you to snack throughout the morning, especially if you are snacking on the wrong type of foods. Stay away from the donuts and sugary foods. Try eating whole grain, whole wheat and cereal. Breakfast will also help to get your metabolism going which will help accelerate your weight loss.

Try some form of exercise. A simple thing like taking the stairs instead of the elevator can be extremely helpful. Walking can be fun too and will help you overall in losing weight. It can contribute to toning your body while you are losing the weight. You can park you car a block away and walk the rest of the way to work and after you leave work you will have to walk back to your car. This can be a great exercise.

Very important is the type of food you eat. Try to take lunch to work so you can pack a balanced meal. No fried, greasy, junk food. Don't run to the fast food store and buy a big mac because it is cheap and convenient. Try preparing your lunch from home and take with you. Some broiled fish or chicken, a little salad, either steamed or raw. A sandwich with whole wheat bread, turkey breast or chicken breast, some lettuce and salad. Green leafy vegetables are very good when you want to lose weight. Also fruits, try eating as much fruits as you can during the day. Instead of snacking on sweet pastries, eat some fruits instead.

If at all possible try keeping a diary of the foods you can eat, and when grocery shopping take with you a list of the food you will want to purchase to make it easier for you to prepare healthy meals during the week. This healthy eating habit can be incorporated into your life on a gradual basis and your entire family can benefit from it too.

I know, you are saying its easier said than done, especially with a young baby. But you know what, if you can do this, then there is nothing out there that you cannot achieve. It takes hard work, dedication and a lot of patience, but nothing in life is easy. If you want it badly enough you can achieve it. Whatever the mind can conceive you can achieve. Believe me you can do it. Believe in yourself. Go out there and lose that weight, get rid of that excess fat. Good luck on your weight loss.

Ingrid Palmer is an Administrative Assistant and an avid weight loss researcher. I have done a lot of research on weight loss and have come to realise that it comes down to just doing the right thing. No secret. I would like to help normal average people in their quest to lose weight. If you are really passionate about losing the weight, for whatever reason visit this site, you will get the help you truly deserve. go to:

AP - A top children's hospital wants to improve the survival rate of infants born with a birth defect that many families have never heard of until their child is diagnosed.


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