Fast Weight Loss

Sunday, April 5, 2009

You and Fat Loss - Are You Sick of the Fast Weight Loss Diets?

Reasons to lose weight vary with each individual. The one thing they have in common is they want quick and easy fat loss diets. It's not always easy trying to lose weight, whatever your reason may be. When you are on a restrictive diet and it does not work or give any long-term results, it can be discouraging. It can be difficult to find a fat burning diet that will give you results.

You have to be patient when you are on a weight loss diet; it is going to take time to burn fat and calories. You have to learn how to eat the right foods and when to eat them to keep your metabolism going. You also want a diet that will make you feel more energetic, and not worn out and deprived, while you are dieting. Some types of diet secrets involve starving yourself and this never works on a long-term basis, as your metabolism will adjust.

You want a fat loss diet that is easy for you to understand and follow. This is essential when choosing the right diet program for you and your lifestyle. If you settle for less, you will find the diet hard to commit to and eventually give up all together concerning that particular diet, maybe even all the rest, depending on your experiences. Finding a diet that you hope will work but does not can be very depressing. This causes your attempts at weight loss to become harder for you to use.

The majority of pre-packaged diet programs can seem a bit bland and boring after a while. Besides, it is better to eat regular everyday foods when you are on a diet. These types of diets often involve a great deal of money to maintain the diet program and the weight loss.

Low carbohydrate diets are much too strict and can make you completely uncomfortable since your body does require a certain amount of carbohydrates. They can also cause you to gain back the weight after you begin to lose.

Not only are low fat items too expensive to continue in their use on a long-term basis, many have a higher calorie content. Sometimes, just because it says it is low fat doesn't mean it is low calorie. Many people fool themselves with this diet. In fact, many of the items don't even really taste good and are expensive. They can actually make you want to eat something else more nutritious and better tasting.

To lose weight you need a diet that you can fit into your lifestyle with your own favorite choices of foods, so you will enjoy being on the diet. Things you keep on hand all the time, or buy often at the store, that you like to eat.

If you have tried all the easy fat loss diets that you have found and still are not satisfied with the type of results you seek. You should try out another diet that can work for you. When you want to lose weight and are committed to finding a workable diet program, Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below may be just what you are searching for.

Christine G. Shannon can help you have an ideal body shape fast with the Safe Weight Loss Program that she uses and lost 22 lbs in 29 days. Get her free Fat-Fighter newsletter and the Fast Fat Loss Secret

HealthDay - SATURDAY, April 4 (HealthDay News) -- Obese adults are at higher risk of gum disease than are normal-weight people, a new study finds.

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Weight Loss and Dieting Secrets

The thought of weight loss and dieting may create mixed emotions for you. Perhaps you've tried several weight loss and dieting plans but haven't been able to lose the weight or keep it off. On the other hand, maybe you'd love to find a solution that delivers the results that you have always hoped for. If you find weight loss and dieting frustrating, you're not alone.

Losing weight can seem like a never-ending journey. How many times have you started a diet, dropped a few pounds, and then gained the weight (plus more) back? Unfortunately, that's the experience that many people have.

The fat-loss industry earned more than $46 million in profits in 2007. If their products work so well, why do people keep coming back for more? Once they've lost the weight, shouldn't they be able to maintain that weight loss for life?

Think about it. How many of these diets have you tried?

* The Reduced-Fat Diet: Did you know that reduced-fat diets set you up for yo-yo dieting? It's true! For a period of time, you'll do great by limiting your calories. However, limiting your calorie intake makes you tired and frustrated. One day you'll reach for that comfort food and before you know it, you've overindulged. This is where most people fail. They'll sabotage their efforts because they're hungry, then feel frustrated when their "will power" fades away, and give up on their weight-loss plan. You don't have to spend your life counting calories.

* The Low-Carb Diet: Here's the kicker: You need carbohydrates for energy and brain power. Low-carb diets will yield quick results, but over time they will ruin your health. You'll also lose lean muscle mass, which is exactly what you DON'T want to do.

* The "Exercise Until You Drop" Diet: How many times have you decided to work out like crazy, only to find yourself sore and frustrated? Unless you've committed your life to fitness, it's not likely that you'll go from zero to 100 and stay there. The truth is that you can exercise less than 12 minutes a week and still burn fat.

Do you really want to spend your life obsessing over every calorie? What if there was a way to take off the weight and keep it off without strenuous exercise or food deprivation?

Weight loss and dieting don't have to be difficult. Losing weight is a goal that's well within your reach, as long as you stay away from crazy fad diets that are unhealthy for you. Don't buy into plans that will have you digging into your wallet for the rest of your life; choose a proven program that teaches you how to build a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain on your own. The secret to any weight loss and dieting program is that it should transform your life so that you can focus on living instead of eating.

Eat more, exercise less, actually LOSE WEIGHT and keep it off. Sound too good to be true? It's not. Check out the authors weight loss miracles site at

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Weight Loss With New Diet Program - Fat Loss 4 Idiots

The main reason why many people cannot lose weight when they diet is for the simple fact that dieting is hard. Let's be honest dieting is not an easy thing to get used to. If you are reading this page you may or may not have heard of a new product called Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Now why is Fat Loss 4 Idiots creating such a buzz on the internet. Here is a hint, because it works!

So what is Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a unique online dieting program that claims it can help you to lose 9 pounds every 11 days. However, of course everyone is different so you may lose more or less than 9 pounds every 11 days, but the point here is that you will lose weight nonetheless. This diet claims to be unique in the fact that it focuses on a technique called "calorie shifting" which confuses your metabolism into burning more fat.

What foods will I need to eat?

Well once you purchase Fat Loss for Idiots program you will be given two items one being the "diet generator" which will compute your menus and tell you what foods you will need to eat for each day. This eliminates the need to try and figure out what to eat. The second is the diet handbook that is loaded with tips and information to help you reach your weight goals even faster. The diet also has 3 days where you can eat anything you want and after the 3 days are up you can choose to continue with the diet or keep on until you are satisfied with your results.

Here are a few of the great tips you can learn with the Fat Loss for Idiot handbook

- how to stop retaining water

- how to order foods at restaurants to boost fat loss while eating out

- how to drink alcohol and still burn fat

- what to look for when grocery shopping

- how you can eat up to 3 or more times a day and still lose weight

- how to eat late at night so you never go to bed hungry

The online diet generator and handbook is $39 but if you want you can add on "Beyond Calories" which will add on an additional $16.95. The great thing about this program is that you can get everything for just one payment. Unlike other weight loss programs which require you to pay a monthly subscription or membership fee. You'll have access to your diet generator and handbook anytime you want 24/7.

If you decide Fat Loss for Idiots is not for you, no sweat, they offer a 60 day unconditional 100% money back guarantee. So there is really no risk at all.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots has proven to be a great new program to help people achieve their weight loss goals so do not "weight" any longer and see what all the fuss is about.

Arturo is a person who believes staying healthy is important to an overall healthy life. Find out how you can get Fat Loss 4 Idiots instantly and get tips and tricks to help keep you looking great at This new innovative product is definitely something that would be worth checking out.

In this Dec. 9, 2008 file photo, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., waits to start a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington.  'We have come to what I hope will be an historic occasion, and that is finally doing something about the harm that tobacco does to thousands and thousands of Americans who die each year,' Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., said Wednesday evening as lawmakers debated his Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act.   (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)AP - Anti-smoking forces won a long-awaited victory Thursday as the House passed legislation that would give the federal government key controls over the tobacco industry for the first time.

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Starving Yourself to Lose Weight - Does it Work?

In order to lose weight you must create a calorie deficit. This means using more calories than those you eat. You can achieve a calorie deficit in 2 ways: increase physical activity and eat less. Therefore, it only seems logical that if you starve you will lose weight. It may seem logical but it's a self-destructive approach to weight loss and nutrition. The sad thing is that many people fall prey to this misconception and cause themselves harm.

Why is starving yourself to lose weight such a bad idea?

This is due to metabolic slowdown. You see, years of evolution have made our body into a survival driven organism. This means that our body constantly monitors itself in terms of survivability. If you starve yourself, you body will assume that there is no food to be had. It doesn't know dieting. It only knows survival. What the body does when it believes your starving is slow itself down in order to conserve energy. This means that you're burning less calories than you used to.

What happens is that you've put yourself into a race. On the one hand, you eat less calories, on the other, you're burning less, so you don't really achieve the kind of calorie deficit you were hoping for. What's even worse is that when you starve yourself to lose weight, you lose muscle tissue. This loss is hard to reverse. Muscle tissue is one of the keys to having a high metabolism.

What this means is that once you stop starving, you metabolism will be very low due to your lack of muscle tissue. You will find it increasingly harder to lose weight. In fact, that's where the pounds tend to start piling back up.

Where does that leave you?

You need to understand that starving yourself isn't the way to lose weight. You need to follow an eating method that lets you eat a decent amount of food and doesn't deprive you of nutrients. You also need to exercise in order to maintain your muscle tissue to increase your metabolism. This is the sensible and easier way to lose weight.

To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Lose 10 Pounds Fast.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
Fat Loss For Idiots Review.

HealthDay - (HealthDay News) -- Here are the latest clinical trials, courtesy of


Lose Weight Quickly - How to Lose Weight Quickly

Slow Down. One of the best ways to lose weight quickly is to take your time - when you're eating, that is! The hungry feeling you have when you sit down will go away once you've eaten enough; however, it may take up to 20 minutes for your body to get the message. The longer it takes you to polish off a couple pieces of pizza, the quicker you will feel full. Instead of thinking about the next bite, focus on each bite. Don't load your fork while you chew; lay it down or keep it empty until you are ready for the next bite. This will help you eat slower and feel full faster.

Take Smaller Portions. It's a known fact that most people eat far too much because they have filled their plate. How often have we heard the phrase about one's eyes being bigger than one's stomach? If you want to know how to lose weight quickly, this is a dieting key. Try taking a little less food than you think you will eat. You can always go back for more, if you really need it. It's much harder to pass up food that is already on your plate, tempting you.

Eat Lots of Vegetables. While everyone has a few veggies they'd rather not touch with a ten-foot pole, there are many options for the hesitant vegetable-eater. All leafy greens are good for you, especially when you're on a diet. Looking at the variety of vegetables available can help you as you discover how to lose weight quickly. Try a vegetable you've never had before, and use the diet as a jumping-off place for food exploration. You'll have fun and may discover a new favorite veggie dish!

Focus On the End Result. Don't get in a rush to lose 15 pounds a week; you'll end up losing muscle mass instead of fat. This makes you more likely to gain the weight back, with interest! Keep your goal weight in mind and move steadily toward it. Although it's easy to stray from a diet, don't let slip-ups distract you. Just get back on track and think about your goal. Don't brood about what you feel you are missing; after a few weeks of healthy eating, you'll never want to go back. This is an important step as you teach yourself how to lose weight quickly.

Learning how to lose weight quickly is a habit, rather than a learning process. In many ways, losing weight quickly is just a matter of common sense coupled with a little bit of research and will power.

Looking to lose weight quickly? Or do you just need to lose your fat belly? Either way, these totally free resources will help you greatly.

Brandon Walsh is an Ezine expert author in the fields of nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living and has over 100,000 published article views.

HealthDay - SATURDAY, April 4 (HealthDay News) -- Obese adults are at higher risk of gum disease than are normal-weight people, a new study finds.

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Christian Weight Loss - #1 Mistake Most Dieters Make and Never Discover

Which is easier to do, lose weight or keep it off? Studies have shown that most anyone has been able to lose some weight, but very few have reached their weight loss goal and kept the weight off.

If you can't keep the weight off, wouldn't it make sense to figure out why you have this problem?

Why can't people keep the weight off? I've heard all sorts of reasons, but whatever the reason, for most people they all boil down to one thing; temptation. The temptation to overeat or pig out on junk food.

Where does temptation come from? A secular view would say you tempt yourself or other people tempt you and that self discipline will stop it. Give me a break, if that were true there wouldn't be so many people struggling with their weight.

Let's start with the basics. Do you believe the devil exists? If you don't, you might as well stop reading and good luck with trying to keep weight off. If you do, read on.

I would like to interrupt this article for a brief message. If you are thinking of skipping the rest of this article, the devil is tempting you right now!

What does it mean to tempt? The American Heritage Dictionary defines tempt as, "to entice (someone) to commit an unwise or immoral act, especially by a promise or reward." In other words, someone or something else is doing the tempting, you can't tempt yourself. If you are struggling with keeping weight off, you aren't tempting yourself to overeat or pig out on junk food. Since you aren't tempting yourself, you cannot solve the problem of keeping weight off until you eliminate the power of temptation. You cannot eliminate the power of temptation until you acknowledge who is tempting you and take steps to counter them.

As a Christian you know the devil exists. You also know he used food in his temptation of Adam and Eve. It worked so well for him the first time; don't you think he'd keep using food as a temptation?

The devil is tempting you every waking hour of your day . How do you know? Whenever you have a thought to do something you shouldn't (an unwise act), he's working on you. Watch TV instead of doing chores (the devil). Skip breakfast (the devil). Stay up late watching TV instead of going to bed (the devil). Overeat (the devil). Pig out on junk food (the devil).

He is tempting you all the time. You cannot stop his temptations, but you can eliminate the power his temptations have over you.

The devil is a supernatural being. He is using temptation to keep you overweight (he likes it when we are unhappy). Thinking you can defeat him by yourself is like a toddler running in the Olympics, you've got no chance. You need the help of another supernatural being (God) to defeat him.

I said before the devil is tempting you every waking hour of your day. How often are you involving God in your day? Do you just visit him on Sunday? Are you starting to see why you are having trouble keeping weight off?

If you develop an awareness of the everyday presence of God, and use the abilities he has given you, you can eliminate the devil's power of temptation. How do I know? With God's help I have done so. I did not change the foods I eat; I eliminated the power of temptation to overeat. I did not give up junk food, I eliminated the power of temptation to pig out (yes it is possible to eat just one).

So, it is very simple. I believe for most people the problem is not diet; it's the power of temptation that is left in the devil's hands . As I see it you have two choices; keep bouncing from diets to magic pills ignoring the obvious, and the devil just keeps laughing, or you can allow God into your everyday life. He is just waiting for you to ask.

It's your choice.

God bless.

Daniel Wychor is author of the book, "Stop the Devil from Laughing When You Diet." His 40 day program is helping people of all ages eliminate the power of temptation from their diet. The program can be used alone or with any diet to help lose weight and keep it off. Free articles/videos and more information about the book/program can be found at

HealthDay - (HealthDay News) -- Here are the latest clinical trials, courtesy of

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Effective Rapid Weight Loss Ideas

Want some simple and rapid weight loss ideas that you can use to totally transform your body. Losing weight fast is the ultimate goal of nearly everyone who is committed to dieting. How you look affects your self-esteem and how others view you, having excess weight can cause depression and health risks so it is important to get in great shape, now. Once you have experienced weight loss you will notice a huge number of positive changes in your life; you'll have more confidence and be able to live life to its fullest.

Here's some quick and easy rapid weight loss ideas. I'm sure you are interested. Don't worry; it has nothing to do with dieting or doing a lot of stupid exercises. Get out there, get excellent results. Lose weight with these Simple Rapid Weight Loss Ideas!

Below are some rapid weight loss ideas for you.

1. Make a plan.

What are your goals? Want to feel better, lose weight, lower your blood pressure? Give some thought to your real goals and write those goals down. Most people will skip this step and most people fail to lose weight on diets. Write down your goals.

2. Keep a food journal.

What are you eating now? What you have eaten in the past and your past lifestyle has put you where you are today, with some contribution from genetics. So document in writing what your are doing today so you have a base to work from.

3. Boost Your Body's Metabolism

Maintaining high metabolism is the key factor to rapid weight loss. In other words, slow metabolism will have hard time losing weight because your body will store more fat than it can burn. In order to boost metabolism, exercise is necessary. A simple exercise is to incorporate walking into your daily routine. A daily routine of non-stop brisk walking for 30 minutes is sufficient. For individuals who dislike outdoor activities, then do some bodyweight exercises or aerobics at home for 30 minutes. If you have no idea of what exercise is suitable for you, then get weight loss videos or DVD to guide you along. You can also get rapid weight loss ideas from some fitness magazines and online weight loss forums.

4. Avoid eating several hours before going to bed. Eat a little protein if you have to, but avoid carbohydrates. Carbs interfere with growth hormone production, which causes you to burn fat. Aim for eight hours of sound uninterrupted sleep a night. Don't sabotage the quality of your sleep with food! Don't sabotage the power of these rapid weight loss ideas!

5. High fiber foods are a main ingredient for rapid weight loss ideas. Whole grain breads, rice, pasta, and fresh fruits and vegetables will keep your system regular and healthy. Taking out refined and processed foods and eliminating sugar will go a long way to taking off excess weight, because the fiber has been removed during processing. Replace them with whole grain sources and you will see quicker weight loss results.

6. You have always been taught to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Well, hardly anybody does but you should probably heed this age-old advice. Drinking water does not only improve your health and your complexion, it also reduces your food cravings throughout the day. Drinking water makes you feel full, so your snacking tendencies will disappear. Of course, water is not a replacement for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Who knew water is considered one of the more effective rapid weight loss ideas, right?

These rapid weight loss ideas are not only effective, but they are also safe. To increase their efficiency, it's a good idea to incorporate all three into your lifestyle at the same time. Combine these rapid weight loss ideas with a little discipline and patience, and you'll have a lean body in no time.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. Your body will never remain the same.

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